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與其他資產類別(外匯、股票、大宗商品等)不同,加密貨幣市場主要由投機散戶主導。這樣的市場中交易 IC Markets Global 加密貨幣 CFD,沒有中央銀行干預、沒有控制訂單流的銀行間交易商、沒有影響價格的寵大養老基金。
比特幣或以太幣等加密貨幣的價格波動主要由新聞及主流情緒推動,即投機散戶的恐懼與貪婪。有時波動非常劇烈,會導致當天價格大幅波動,這使得加密貨幣 CFD 成為了一種非常刺激的產品,適合具有進取心且經驗豐富的當日交易者。
IC Markets Global 加密貨幣 CFD 產品可以讓交易者在不實際持有加密貨幣的情況下做多或做空。這意味著交易者可以利用加密貨幣的價格,同時無需擔心儲存加密貨幣帶來的安全風險以及交易中的對手風險。這與交易石油等能源期貨很相似,交易者不需要擁有實際的石油也可以對油價進行投機交易。

比特幣 CFD
比特幣是第一個也是最大的加密貨幣,它為成百上千的類似貨幣鋪平了道路,比特幣的市值超過 1000 億美元。

以太幣 CFD
全球第二大加密貨幣,很多人將其稱為「下一個比特幣」。以太幣擁有較高的國際知名度,受到大型機構的支持,例如、Microsoft、JP Morgan 與 Intel。

Dash CFD
Dash 專注於即時交易與持有人隱私。Dash 的基礎設施實現了比其他加密貨幣更快的交易,因此比很多對手擁有更高的流動性。

萊特幣 CFD
萊特幣由前 Google 工程師設計,旨在根據比特幣的技術進行改善,此幣的處理時間更短,代幣數量更多。它也是第一個實施 SegWit 的加密貨幣。SegWit 是一種能夠加速交易又不損害區塊鏈技術的方法。

比特幣現金 CFD
比特幣現金是比特幣區塊鏈硬分叉的結果。它將區塊規模從 1 百萬位元組增加到了 8 百萬位元組,而且沒有融合 SegWit。

瑞波幣 CFD
瑞波幣是交易網路也是加密代幣,它於 2012 年作為銀行與全球轉帳人士的首選加密貨幣創立,而且近期有所增長。

EOS 是去中心化的作業系統,基於區塊鏈技術。此系統的設計目的是提供所有必要的核心功能,在商業規模上支援去中心化的應用程式。

崛起幣 CFD

域名幣 CFD

點點幣 CFD

Polkadot CFD
Polkadot is a platform that allows diverse blockchains to transfer messages, including value, in a trust-free fashion; sharing their unique features while pooling their security. In brief, Polkadot is a scalable, heterogeneous, multi-chain technology.

Stellar CFD
Stellar, or Stellar Lumens, is an open source, decentralized protocol for digital currency to fiat money low-cost transfers which allows cross-border transactions between any pair of currencies.

Chainlink CFD
Chainlink is a decentralized oracle network and cryptocurrency that provides data to blockchains. It is one of the main sources of data used to feed information to applications in decentralized finance.

Dogecoin CFD
Dogecoin was founded by software engineers Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer, as a payment system. This coin began as a 'meme coin' and is now seen as a popular option for traders.

Tezos CFD
Tezos is a decentralized and Proof of Stake blockchain network that can perform peer-to-peer transactions and assists as a platform to arrange smart contracts.

Uniswap CFD
Uniswap is used to exchange cryptocurrencies. It enables automated transactions between cryptocurrency tokens on the Ethereum blockchain through smart contracts.

Cardano CFD
Cardano is a public blockchain platform that enables peer-to-peer transactions with its internal cryptocurrency, Ada. It is open-source and decentralized, with consensus achieved using proof of stake.

Binance Coin CFD
Binance Coin was initially formed as a utility token for reduced trading fees, but its uses have extended to payments for transaction fees (on the Binance Chain), travel bookings, entertainment, online services and financial services.

Avalanche CFD
Avalanche is a decentralized, open-source proof of stake blockchain platform. It uses smart contracts to support various blockchain-based projects with high transaction processing speed.

Luna CFD
One of the native tokens of the Terra network, a blockchain-based project in South Korea. Luna can be used to mint a stablecoin TerraUSD (UST) and maintain Terra stablecoins' price.

Polygon Matic CFD
Ethereum blockchain is used in the Polygon platform, which can connect and evolve Ethereum-compatible projects and blockchains. It uses a modified proof-of-stake consensus mechanism.

Moonbeam CFD
An Ethereum-compatible smart contract platform on Polkadot founded by Derek Yoo. It can simplify the process of building and/or deploying Solidity projects in a Substrate-based environment.

Kusama CFD
Kusama utilizes two types of blockchains, the relay chain and parachains in the Polkadot ecosystem. It serves like a sandbox that help testing and developing new features in early projects.

加密貨幣 CFD 交易
比特幣 CFD 交易範例
比特幣 CFD 對美元的價格是 3900.25/3910.25,您決定以 3910.25 的價格購買 2 份合約。
一個月後,比特幣 CFD 上升至 4200.50/4210.50,您決定止盈,於是以每份 4200.50 的價格出售 2 份合約。
加密貨幣 CFD